World Radio Day at Jigsaw British School

Jigsaw British School and Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona celebrates together the World Radio Day. We spent all morning with school students because we wanted...


world radio day

Jigsaw British School sings “Heal the World”

Once the four groups finished their intervention, all of them joined together and sang “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson. They did it pretty...

Theatre for Tolerance – Group 4

If you love theater you will love the fourth group that made a performance about tolerance. They are Paula, Mateo, Carim, Han Yu, Pau...

Speaking about peace – Group 3

We split the third group in three small teams. Each of them spoke about peace. The first group is formed by Bruno, Biel and...

Poems about respect – Group 2

Let’s hear the second group who read us a poem about this concept. They are Andi, Maria, Martina and Laia.

Speaking about respect – Group 1

The first group spoke about respect. They are Martí, Marc, Daniela, Maria and Lídia. Let’s hear them!